This is no shadow of doubt my favorite contemporary read for 2017 this far!
For the book blurb click Here (GoodReads)
I am so in awe that it is almost hard to write the review. I feel like I won't give it justice.
R.I.P Eliza Hart is about (mainly) two girls with mental issues. Ellie, who suffers from claustrophobia due to a traumatic experience we don't figure out till the end of the book. And Eliza, who was emotionally unstable for reasons revealed slowly throughout the book.
It impressed me how much background story is given to both main characters in just a few hundred pages. I felt Ellie's pain thorough the pages and I was always curious to know what would happen next. She was a wonderful and easy character to relate to. As was Sam, her roommate, friend, and eventually love interest. The romance story happening on the side between those two is adorable. I was gushing and blushing while reading their interactions. Utterly cute!
Eliza was just as well written. Her character is a little darker. A little more disturbed. A little harder to understand. But as we find out more about her and about her family we began to understand it all better. We began to understand her better...
I found Alyssa Sheinmel's description of both girls issues profoundly touching and respectful. There aren't many young adult authors out there that can write on such subjects in a realistic and yet light hearted way, she does that perfectly. I also loved that she dives into Eliza's family's background in order to explain Eliza's issues. I don't think many people realize that certain mental problems are/can be hereditary.
It is my belief that the main message in the book was to never be afraid or ashamed to ask for help. And that was done beautifully!
Everyone that has suffered from depression has difficulties talking about it. Both because it is not an easy subject and because of the bad rep it receives. So to have this done so well was fantastic!
I will be recommending this to everyone I know who enjoys contemporaries and/or realisticsbooks! Go Read!
Ps- This book does not come out till November 2017. My review is based on a arc I received from the author.
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